PhD Students
Education: Central South University (MS & BS)
Research Interest:
Paleoenvironment and paleoclimate reconstruction of Earth, and carbonate geochemistry
Contact Information: xikai@live.unc.edu

Education: University of Miami (BS)
Research Interest:
Rare earth element geochemistry
Contact Information: ckoschik@unc.edu

MS Students
Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (BS)
Research Interest:
Weathering on Venus, Mars 2020 and Artemis landing site selection, Lunar geochemistry and giant impacts
Contact Information: azlongo@live.unc.edu

Undergraduate Students
Jamil Andrade
Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (Honors BS in progress, Class of 2025)
Research Interest:
Contact Information:

Jianing Yang
Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (BS in progress, Class of 2026)
Research Interests:
Paleoenvironment, paleoclimate, paleoecology, ecology & evolution
Contact Information:

Postdoc Associate
Education: University of Utah (Ph.D.)
Research Interest:
Clement Bataille uses geochemistry and numerical modeling to investigate variations in modern and ancient biogeochemical cycles at multiple spatiotemporal scales.
Current Position:
Assistant Professor at the University of Ottawa

Graduate Students
Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (Ph.D. 2021)
China Petroleum University (B.S.)
Dissertation Title:
Understanding chemical weathering using lithium and potassium isotopes
Current Position:
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow

Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (Ph.D. 2020)
Duke University (M.S.)
Dissertation Title:
A Geochemical Investigation of Fluid-Rock Interactions During Chemical Weathering and Subduction
Current Position:
Private consulting

Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (Ph.D. 2020)
Univ. Sci&Tech of China (B.S.)
Dissertation Title:
Geochemical investigation of weathering and paleo-ocean redox evolution
Current Position:
Postdoc TBD

Undergraduate Students
Chole Kent
Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (Honors Thesis B.S. Class of 2022)
Research Interest:
Environmental geochemistry
Contact Information:
Emily Robinson
Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (B.S., Class of 2022)
Research Interest:
Environmental geochemistry
Contact Information:
Patrick Powers
Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (B.S. with honors, Class of 2020)
Research Interest:
Soil environmental geochemistry
Jordan Zabrecky
Education: UNC-Chapel Hill (B.S., Class of 2020)
Research Interest:
Water resources and environmental geochemistry
William Larsen
Education: UNC Chapel Hill (B.S. with the highest honors, Class of 2018)
Research Interest:
Li isotopes geochemistry & weathering in Galapagos
Ethan Dinwiddie
Education: UNC Chapel Hill (B.S. with honors, Class of 2017)
Research Interest:
Arsenic geochemistry & environmental geochemistry
Coley Smith
Education: UNC Chapel Hill (B.S. with the highest honors, 2016)
Research Interest:
Trace elements geochemistry, riverwater and sediment geochemistry